* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any
time, it is useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Kollezyum does not let third parties use, rent or sell any information it obtains
from you during your membership or use.
Your Information We Collect.
User name and surname, company name, company full address information,
authorized name, authorized or company e-mail, authorized or company phone
number, social platform information, e-commerce store information, bank information
and billing information and the login password (encrypted) determined by the user. ,
device tokens are protected by privacy.
Reasons for Use of Collected Information.
· Ensuring the security of Kollezyum web and mobile applications,
· You can personalize Kollezyum web and mobile applications,
· Reporting the data obtained from the Kollezyum mobile application to you,
· To be able to communicate with you for the improvement of the system other than
· To provide you with information about the license usage period and other
· To inform you when the license renewal period comes.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers,
insurers, professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as this is
necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following cases:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing information to
others for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To the buyers (or potential buyers) of all the businesses and assets we sell (or
intend to sell),
- If we have reasonable opinions that the court or authorized persons and institutions
will decide to disclose personal information to a person whom we believe may apply
to the court for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in
this policy.
Your Information Rights
Kollezyum displays a transparent approach to its users about the mobile and
web application you use. In this context, Kollezyum can communicate the information
you have used via e-mail, fax and other channels and send you the information and
documents you request in detail.
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
Kollezyum web and mobile products you use store your data in an encrypted
form in the Kollezyum system, with your permission.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless
the license renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being kept for 3
(three) months following termination of license use.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tutteknoloji[at]gmail.com stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete
your account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one)
week after we receive the e-mail and you will be notified via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
Guide Permission
The "Add to Contacts" permission requested in the Kollezyum Mobile application you
use is used to easily add the contact information in the application to your contact list.
This permission never reaches, stores or uses the people in your contacts.
Location Permission
Kollezyum wants companies to accurately convey the locations of their
workplaces to other users.
It uses users' location information to show the proximity and distance of
companies in the sectors. The company saves its location within the application to
show it to other users.
In order to see how close companies are to their locations, Kollezyum does
not record any location of its users, does not collect data and does not share it with
third parties.
Camera Permission
Kollezyum is a qr code reader using your camera and uses your camera to
change your profile photo instantly. Kollezyum does not keep your photos and
photographs as data in its records.
Photo Permission
Kollezyum can only access the photos you allow to create your profile photo.
When you change your profile photo, your old profile photo is instantly deleted from
our servers. Kollezyum does not keep your photos and photographs as data in its
Microphone Permission
Requests microphone permission to send voice conversations to people on
the Kollezyum messaging system. The Kollezyum does not access, store or use
audio recordings.
Storage Permission
Kollezyum requests storage permission to save items such as photos and
videos received via the messaging system to the phone. Kollezyum does not reach,
store or use the storage areas you use.
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Kollezyum, we show utmost sensitivity to the security of your personal data. With
this awareness, the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided
within the Company are in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No.
6698, the secondary regulations (regulations, notifications, circulars) that have been
put into force and will be put into effect pursuant to the Law, and the binding Personal
Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the processing and
preservation of our data in accordance with the decisions to be taken. With full
awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller"
as defined in the Law, within the scope of execution, as explained below and within
the limits prescribed by the legislation.
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji" authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA" is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Kollezyum;
· To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and
the second regulations issued under this Law,
· To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations,
judicial or administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
· Establishment and execution of the contract,
· Providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
· Sharing the information you have entered on your business card or your Kollezyum
page created by you, with third parties whom you have scanned your Kollezyum
products due to the use of the product,
· Creating a user profile on the website,
· Carrying out your advertising activities upon your request,
· Updating your personal information when necessary,
· Delivery of Kollezyum Products,
It is processed in a limited and measured manner, in accordance with the law and the
rules of honesty, within the limits specified in the Law, and always in connection with
these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, in accordance with the conditions
specified in Article 8/2-a and Article 9 of the Law, your personal data may be
transferred to Kollezyum employees and managers, especially for the establishment
and execution of the contract, AE Kod Teknolojileri hosting and software company,
real data permitted in the relevant legislation. and legal entities, other authorized
public institutions and organizations, judicial and administrative jurisdictions within the
scope of achieving the above-mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; It is collected verbally, in writing or electronically by the Kollezyum
through automatic and non-automatic methods such as e-mail, telephone, website
and forms kept in digital environment.
In this context; By adding your name and surname, company name, personal photo,
company logo, e-mail address, website, company location, social platform accounts,
e-commerce stores, bank information and billing information, you can open your
Kollezyum account with the NFC technology on the phones and the information you
want via the mobile application. Your general personal data that allows transfer to the
other party;
Pursuant to paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, it is necessary to process
personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is clearly foreseen in the
law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract, and it is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. It is processed based on
5. Process of Storage and Destruction of Your Personal Data
Your personal data, which is said to be processed in this information text, will continue to
be recorded, processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this
Information Text as long as our customer relationship continues.
Your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system, or your
account may be deactivated by Kollezyum in case we find profiles and profile
contents that do not comply with the law and Kollezyum's protocols.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined
within the framework of the relevant Law, and in case the legal retention period
expires, it will be deleted and destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and its
secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Teknoloji Company at any time;
· Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
· Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,
· Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used
for their intended purpose,
· Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or
· Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
· Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the
conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
· To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and
(e) of Article 11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has
been transferred,
· Object to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to you by analyzing your
processed data exclusively through automatic systems,
· Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful
processing of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding
your rights and the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form,
which you can obtain from www.kollezyum.com, with a wet signature, to the address
"Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", through a notary,
by registered mail, by personal application or electronically. After signing the
completed application form with your mobile signature or secure electronic signature,
you can send it to [email protected] using your KEP address or your e-mail
address already registered in the Company's data recording system. If requests
within this scope will be answered in writing, Kollezyum will provide up to ten pages
without charge; will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each
page over ten pages. If the response to the application is given on a recording
medium such as a CD or flash memory, the fee that may be requested by the
Company will not exceed the cost of the recording medium.
In your application containing your explanations regarding the right you have as a
personal data owner and which you request to exercise, in order to exercise your
above-mentioned rights; If the matter you request is clear and understandable, if the
matter you request relates to you personally or if you are acting on behalf of
someone else, you will need to submit your special power of attorney certified by a
notary. In your applications, name-surname, signature, T.R. It is mandatory to have
the requested elements such as identity number, residence or workplace address, e-
mail address, telephone and fax number, in accordance with the "Communiqué on
the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller". Applications that
do not contain the aforementioned elements will be rejected by the Kollezyum.
Privacy Notice
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any
time, it is useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Kollezyum does not let third parties use, rent or sell any information it obtains
from you during your membership or use.
Your Information We Collect.
User name and surname, company name, company full address information,
authorized name, authorized or company e-mail, authorized or company phone
number, social platform information, e-commerce store information, bank information
and billing information and the login password (encrypted) determined by the user. ,
device tokens are protected by privacy.
Reasons for Use of Collected Information.
· Ensuring the security of Kollezyum web and mobile applications,
· You can personalize Kollezyum web and mobile applications,
· Reporting the data obtained from the Kollezyum mobile application to you,
· To be able to communicate with you for the improvement of the system other than
· To provide you with information about the license usage period and other
· To inform you when the license renewal period comes.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers,
insurers, professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as this is
necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following cases:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing information to
others for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To the buyers (or potential buyers) of all the businesses and assets we sell (or
intend to sell),
- If we have reasonable opinions that the court or authorized persons and institutions
will decide to disclose personal information to a person whom we believe may apply
to the court for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in
this policy.
Your Information Rights
Kollezyum displays a transparent approach to its users about the mobile and
web application you use. In this context, Kollezyum can communicate the information
you have used via e-mail, fax and other channels and send you the information and
documents you request in detail.
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
Kollezyum web and mobile products you use store your data in an encrypted
form in the Kollezyum system, with your permission.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless
the license renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being kept for 3
(three) months following termination of license use.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tutteknoloji[at]gmail.com stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete
your account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one)
week after we receive the e-mail and you will be notified via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
Guide Permission
The "Add to Contacts" permission requested in the Kollezyum Mobile application you
use is used to easily add the contact information in the application to your contact list.
This permission never reaches, stores or uses the people in your contacts.
Location Permission
Kollezyum wants companies to accurately convey the locations of their
workplaces to other users.
It uses users' location information to show the proximity and distance of
companies in the sectors. The company saves its location within the application to
show it to other users.
In order to see how close companies are to their locations, Kollezyum does
not record any location of its users, does not collect data and does not share it with
third parties.
Camera Permission
Kollezyum is a qr code reader using your camera and uses your camera to
change your profile photo instantly. Kollezyum does not keep your photos and
photographs as data in its records.
Photo Permission
Kollezyum can only access the photos you allow to create your profile photo.
When you change your profile photo, your old profile photo is instantly deleted from
our servers. Kollezyum does not keep your photos and photographs as data in its
Microphone Permission
Requests microphone permission to send voice conversations to people on
the Kollezyum messaging system. The Kollezyum does not access, store or use
audio recordings.
Storage Permission
Kollezyum requests storage permission to save items such as photos and
videos received via the messaging system to the phone. Kollezyum does not reach,
store or use the storage areas you use.
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Kollezyum, we show utmost sensitivity to the security of your personal data. With
this awareness, the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided
within the Company are in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No.
6698, the secondary regulations (regulations, notifications, circulars) that have been
put into force and will be put into effect pursuant to the Law, and the binding Personal
Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the processing and
preservation of our data in accordance with the decisions to be taken. With full
awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller"
as defined in the Law, within the scope of execution, as explained below and within
the limits prescribed by the legislation.
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji" authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA" is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Kollezyum;
· To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and
the second regulations issued under this Law,
· To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations,
judicial or administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
· Establishment and execution of the contract,
· Providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
· Sharing the information you have entered on your business card or your Kollezyum
page created by you, with third parties whom you have scanned your Kollezyum
products due to the use of the product,
· Creating a user profile on the website,
· Carrying out your advertising activities upon your request,
· Updating your personal information when necessary,
· Delivery of Kollezyum Products,
It is processed in a limited and measured manner, in accordance with the law and the
rules of honesty, within the limits specified in the Law, and always in connection with
these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, in accordance with the conditions
specified in Article 8/2-a and Article 9 of the Law, your personal data may be
transferred to Kollezyum employees and managers, especially for the establishment
and execution of the contract, AE Kod Teknolojileri hosting and software company,
real data permitted in the relevant legislation. and legal entities, other authorized
public institutions and organizations, judicial and administrative jurisdictions within the
scope of achieving the above-mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; It is collected verbally, in writing or electronically by the Kollezyum
through automatic and non-automatic methods such as e-mail, telephone, website
and forms kept in digital environment.
In this context; By adding your name and surname, company name, personal photo,
company logo, e-mail address, website, company location, social platform accounts,
e-commerce stores, bank information and billing information, you can open your
Kollezyum account with the NFC technology on the phones and the information you
want via the mobile application. Your general personal data that allows transfer to the
other party;
Pursuant to paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, it is necessary to process
personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is clearly foreseen in the
law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract, and it is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. It is processed based on
5. Process of Storage and Destruction of Your Personal Data
Your personal data, which is said to be processed in this information text, will continue to
be recorded, processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this
Information Text as long as our customer relationship continues.
Your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system, or your
account may be deactivated by Kollezyum in case we find profiles and profile
contents that do not comply with the law and Kollezyum's protocols.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined
within the framework of the relevant Law, and in case the legal retention period
expires, it will be deleted and destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and its
secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Teknoloji Company at any time;
· Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
· Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,
· Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used
for their intended purpose,
· Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or
· Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
· Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the
conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
· To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and
(e) of Article 11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has
been transferred,
· Object to the emergence of a result that is unfavorable to you by analyzing your
processed data exclusively through automatic systems,
· Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful
processing of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding
your rights and the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form,
which you can obtain from www.kollezyum.com, with a wet signature, to the address
"Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", through a notary,
by registered mail, by personal application or electronically. After signing the
completed application form with your mobile signature or secure electronic signature,
you can send it to [email protected] using your KEP address or your e-mail
address already registered in the Company's data recording system. If requests
within this scope will be answered in writing, Kollezyum will provide up to ten pages
without charge; will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each
page over ten pages. If the response to the application is given on a recording
medium such as a CD or flash memory, the fee that may be requested by the
Company will not exceed the cost of the recording medium.
In your application containing your explanations regarding the right you have as a
personal data owner and which you request to exercise, in order to exercise your
above-mentioned rights; If the matter you request is clear and understandable, if the
matter you request relates to you personally or if you are acting on behalf of
someone else, you will need to submit your special power of attorney certified by a
notary. In your applications, name-surname, signature, T.R. It is mandatory to have
the requested elements such as identity number, residence or workplace address, e-
mail address, telephone and fax number, in accordance with the "Communiqué on
the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller". Applications that
do not contain the aforementioned elements will be rejected by the Kollezyum.
Kdv Hesapla
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any time, it
will be useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Kdv Hesapla does not provide, rent or sell any information obtained from you during
your membership or use to third parties.
Your Information We Collect.
Kdv Hesapla does not collect any information from users.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as necessary for the
purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following situations:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing on information to others
for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To buyers (or potential buyers) of all businesses and assets we sell (or plan to sell),
- If we have reasonable beliefs that the court or authorized persons and institutions will
decide to disclose personal information to a person who we believe may apply to the court
for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this
Your Information Rights
Kdv Hesapla has a transparent approach to its users regarding the mobile and web
application you use. In this context, Kdv Hesapla can forward the information you use to you
via e-mail, fax and other channels, and send you the information and documents you request
in detail.
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
Kdv Hesapla does not save any of your information in the database. It just saves the data on
your phone for you to view the history. When you delete your application, your data is
automatically deleted.
We kindly inform you that when you delete the application, your information will be deleted
and if you suffer any loss of rights, you will not be able to claim any rights from our company.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless the license
renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being stored for 3 (three) months
following the expiry of the license usage.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tutarteknolo[email protected] stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete your
account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one) week after
we receive the e-mail and you will be informed via e-mail.
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Kdv Hesapla, we pay utmost attention to the security of your personal data. With this
awareness, the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided within the
Company will be in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the
secondary regulations (regulation, notification, circular) that have come into force and will be
regulated in accordance with the legislation. It entered into force in accordance with the law
and the binding Personal Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the
processing and protection of our data in line with the decisions to be taken. With full
awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller" as
defined in the Law, within the scope of execution, as explained below and within the limits set
forth by the legislation.
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji", which is authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Kdv Hesapla;
• To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the second
regulations issued within the scope of this Law,
• To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations, judicial or
administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
• Establishment and execution of the contract,
• To provide information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
• Carrying out your advertising activities in line with your request,
• To update your personal information when necessary,
It is processed in a limited and proportionate manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of
honesty, within the limits specified in the Law and always in connection with these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, your personal data will be transferred to Kdv
Hesapla employees, managers and software company within the framework of the conditions
specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law, especially the establishment and execution of the
Agreement. in accordance with the conditions. It can be used by legal entities, other
authorized public institutions and organizations, and judicial and administrative jurisdictions
within the scope of achieving the above-mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; No information is collected by Kdv Hesapla.
In accordance with paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, provided that it is clearly
foreseen in the law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of the contract,
the need to process personal data of the parties to the contract is a contract and is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. . It is processed accordingly
5. Storage and Destruction Process of Your Personal Data
Your personal data stated to be processed in this information text will continue to be recorded,
processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this Information Text as
long as our customer relationship continues.
If we provide profiles and profile content that do not comply with the law and Kdv Hesapla
protocols, your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system or your
account may be disabled by Kdv Hesapla.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined within the
framework of the relevant Law, and if the legal retention period expires, it will be deleted and
destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Technology Company at any time;
• Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
• Requesting information if your personal data has been processed, • Learning the purpose of
processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
• Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
• Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
• Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions
stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Article
11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
• Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively
through automatic systems,
• Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing
of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding your rights and
the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form with wet signature, which you
can obtain from www.tutarteknoloji.com, to the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan
Sokak No:4/B". Selçuklu/KONYA" via a notary, by registered letter, by applying in person or
electronically. After signing the completed application form with your mobile signature or
secure electronic signature, using your KEP address or your e-mail address registered in the
Company data recording system, ridvan.tutar@ridvan.tutar@ You can send it to hs01.kep.tr.
Kdv Hesapla will respond to requests within this scope in writing, up to ten pages, free of
charge; It will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each page over ten
pages. If the response to the application is given on a recording medium such as a CD or
flash memory. The fee that may be requested by the Company will not exceed the cost of the
recording medium.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, in your application containing your
explanations regarding the right you have as a personal data owner and that you request to
use; If the matter you request is clear and understandable, if the matter you request
concerns you personally or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you will need to
submit your notarized special power of attorney. In your applications, name-surname,
signature, T.R. In accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of
Application to the Data Controller", it is mandatory to include the requested elements such as
identification number, residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
number. Applications that do not contain the specified elements will be rejected by Kdv
Converter Pdf
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any time, it
will be useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Converter Pdf does not provide, rent or sell any information obtained from you
during your membership or use to third parties.
Your Information We Collect.
Converter Pdf does not collect any information from users.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as necessary for the
purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following situations:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing on information to others
for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To buyers (or potential buyers) of all businesses and assets we sell (or plan to sell),
- If we have reasonable beliefs that the court or authorized persons and institutions will
decide to disclose personal information to a person who we believe may apply to the court
for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this
Your Information Rights
Converter Pdf has a transparent approach to its users regarding the mobile and web
application you use. In this context, Converter Pdf can forward the information you use to you
via e-mail, fax and other channels, and send you the information and documents you request
in detail.
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
Converter Pdf does not save any of your information in the database. It just saves the data
on your phone for you to view the history. When you delete your application, your data is
automatically deleted.
We kindly inform you that when you delete the application, your information will be deleted
and if you suffer any loss of rights, you will not be able to claim any rights from our company.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless the license
renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being stored for 3 (three) months
following the expiry of the license usage.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tutarteknolo[email protected] stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete your
account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one) week after
we receive the e-mail and you will be informed via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
Gallery Permit
- We need gallery permission to upload the file you want to convert to pdf file.
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Converter Pdf, we pay utmost attention to the security of your personal data. With this
awareness, the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided within the
Company will be in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the
secondary regulations (regulation, notification, circular) that have come into force and will be
regulated in accordance with the legislation. It entered into force in accordance with the law
and the binding Personal Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the
processing and protection of our data in line with the decisions to be taken. With full
awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller" as
defined in the Law, within the scope of execution, as explained below and within the limits set
forth by the legislation.
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji", which is authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Converter Pdf;
• To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the second
regulations issued within the scope of this Law,
• To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations, judicial or
administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
• Establishment and execution of the contract,
• To provide information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
• Carrying out your advertising activities in line with your request,
• To update your personal information when necessary,
It is processed in a limited and proportionate manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of
honesty, within the limits specified in the Law and always in connection with these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, your personal data will be transferred to
Converter Pdf employees, managers and software company within the framework of the
conditions specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law, especially the establishment and
execution of the Agreement. in accordance with the conditions. It can be used by legal
entities, other authorized public institutions and organizations, and judicial and administrative
jurisdictions within the scope of achieving the above-mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; No information is collected by Converter Pdf.
In accordance with paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, provided that it is clearly
foreseen in the law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of the contract,
the need to process personal data of the parties to the contract is a contract and is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. . It is processed accordingly
5. Storage and Destruction Process of Your Personal Data
Your personal data stated to be processed in this information text will continue to be recorded,
processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this Information Text as
long as our customer relationship continues.
If we provide profiles and profile content that do not comply with the law and Converter Pdf
protocols, your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system or your
account may be disabled by Converter Pdf.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined within the
framework of the relevant Law, and if the legal retention period expires, it will be deleted and
destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Technology Company at any time;
• Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
• Requesting information if your personal data has been processed, • Learning the purpose of
processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
• Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
• Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
• Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions
stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Article
11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
• Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively
through automatic systems,
Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing
of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding your rights and
the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form with wet signature, which you
can obtain from www.tutarteknoloji.com, to the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan
Sokak No:4/B". Selçuklu/KONYA" via a notary, by registered letter, by applying in person or
electronically. After signing the completed application form with your mobile signature or
secure electronic signature, using your KEP address or your e-mail address registered in the
Company data recording system, ridvan.tutar@ridvan.tutar@ You can send it to hs01.kep.tr.
Converter Pdf will respond to requests within this scope in writing, up to ten pages, free of
charge; It will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each page over ten
pages. If the response to the application is given on a recording medium such as a CD or
flash memory. The fee that may be requested by the Company will not exceed the cost of the
recording medium.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, in your application containing your
explanations regarding the right you have as a personal data owner and that you request to
use; If the matter you request is clear and understandable, if the matter you request
concerns you personally or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you will need to
submit your notarized special power of attorney. In your applications, name-surname,
signature, T.R. In accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of
Application to the Data Controller", it is mandatory to include the requested elements such as
identification number, residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
number. Applications that do not contain the specified elements will be rejected by Converter
My Car
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any time, it
will be useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Mycar does not provide, rent or sell any information obtained from you during your
membership or use to third parties.
Your Information We Collect.
Mycar does not collect any information from users.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as necessary for the
purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following situations:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing on information to others
for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To buyers (or potential buyers) of all businesses and assets we sell (or plan to sell),
- If we have reasonable beliefs that the court or authorized persons and institutions will
decide to disclose personal information to a person who we believe may apply to the court
for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this
Your Information Rights
Mycar takes a transparent approach to its users regarding the mobile and web
application you use. In this context, Mycar can forward the information you use to you via e-
mail, fax and other channels and send you the information and documents you request in
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Account Deletion Procedures
Mycar keeps login transactions in the Firebase database. It does not save any of your
information in the database except login information. It saves the data on your phone for you
to view only when you use the application. When you delete your application, your data is
automatically deleted.
We kindly inform you that when you delete the application, your information will be deleted and if
you suffer any loss of rights, you will not be able to claim any rights from our company.
When you click the delete my account button on the My Car page, all your information is deleted
from the Firebase database where we keep your login information.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless the license
renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being stored for 3 (three) months
following the expiry of the license usage.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tuarteknoloji@gmail.com stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete your
account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one) week after
we receive the e-mail and you will be informed via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
- We request permission to log in to your account within the application. Your information is kept
on Firebase servers.
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Mycar, we pay utmost attention to the security of your personal data. With this awareness,
the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided within the Company will be
in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the secondary
regulations (regulation, notification, circular) that have come into force and will be regulated
in accordance with the legislation. It entered into force in accordance with the law and the
binding Personal Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the processing and
protection of our data in line with the decisions to be taken. With full awareness of this
responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller" as defined in the Law,
within the scope of execution, as explained below and within the limits set forth by the
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji", which is authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Mycar;
• To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the second
regulations issued within the scope of this Law,
• To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations, judicial or
administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
• Establishment and execution of the contract,
• To provide information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
• Carrying out your advertising activities in line with your request,
• To update your personal information when necessary,
It is processed in a limited and proportionate manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of
honesty, within the limits specified in the Law and always in connection with these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, your personal data may be transferred to
Mycar employees, managers and the software company within the framework of the
conditions specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law, especially the establishment and
execution of the Agreement, and the conditions specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law.
in accordance with. It can be used by legal entities, other authorized public institutions and
organizations, and judicial and administrative jurisdictions within the scope of achieving the
above-mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; No information is collected by Mycar.
In accordance with paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, provided that it is clearly
foreseen in the law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of the contract,
the need to process personal data of the parties to the contract is a contract and is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. . It is processed accordingly
5. Storage and Destruction Process of Your Personal Data
Your personal data stated to be processed in this information text will continue to be recorded,
processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this Information Text as
long as our customer relationship continues.
If we provide profiles and profile content that do not comply with the law and Mycar protocols,
your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system or your account
may be deactivated by Mycar.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined within the
framework of the relevant Law, and if the legal retention period expires, it will be deleted and
destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Technology Company at any time;
• Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
• Requesting information if your personal data has been processed, • Learning the purpose of
processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
• Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
• Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
• Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions
stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Article
11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
• Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively
through automatic systems,
• Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing
of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding your rights and
the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form with wet signature, which you
can obtain from www.tutarteknoloji.com, to the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan
Sokak No:4/B". Selçuklu/KONYA" via a notary, by registered letter, by applying in person or
electronically. After signing the completed application form with your mobile signature or
secure electronic signature, using your KEP address or your e-mail address registered in the
Company data recording system, ridvan.tutar@ridvan.tutar@ You can send it to hs01.kep.tr.
Mycar will respond to requests within this scope in writing, up to ten pages, free of charge; It
will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each page over ten pages. If
the response to the application is given on a recording medium such as a CD or flash
memory, the Company The fee that may be requested by will not exceed the cost of the
recording medium.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, in your application containing your
explanations regarding the right you have as a personal data owner and that you request to
use; If the subject you request is clear and understandable, if the matter you request
concerns you personally or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you will need to
submit your notarized special power of attorney. In your applications, name-surname,
signature, T.R. In accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of
Application to the Data Controller", it is mandatory to include the requested elements such as
identification number, residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
number. Applications that do not contain the specified elements will be rejected by Mycar.
Privacy Statement / KVKK
Privacy Notice
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any time, it is
useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Zikirmatik does not let third parties use, rent or sell any information it obtains from
you during your membership or use.
Your Information We Collect.
Zikirmatik does not collect any information from users.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as this is necessary for the
purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following cases:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing information to others for
the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To the buyers (or potential buyers) of all the businesses and assets we sell (or intend to
- If we have reasonable opinions that the court or authorized persons and institutions will
decide to disclose personal information to a person whom we believe may apply to the court
for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this
Your Information Rights
Zikirmatik displays a transparent approach to its users about the mobile and web
application you use. In this context, Zikirmatik can communicate the information you have
used via e-mail, fax and other channels and send you the information and documents you
request in detail.
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
With your permission, the Zikirmatik web and mobile products you use store your
data in an encrypted form in the Zikirmatik system.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless the
license renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being kept for 3 (three)
months following termination of license use.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your Account, you must send an e-mail to
tutteknoloji@gmail.com stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete your
account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one) week after
we receive the e-mail and you will be notified via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
Zikirmatik does not request any permissions.
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Zikirmatik, we show utmost sensitivity to the security of your personal data. With this
awareness, the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided within the
Company are in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, the secondary
regulations (regulations, notifications, circulars) that have been put into force and will be put
into effect pursuant to the Law, and the binding Personal Data Protection Board. We attach
great importance to the processing and preservation of our data in accordance with the
decisions to be taken. With full awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal
data as "Data Controller" as defined in the Law, within the scope of execution, as explained
below and within the limits prescribed by the legislation.
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji" authorized at the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi
Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA" is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Zikirmatik;
• To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the second
regulations issued under this Law,
• To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations, judicial or
administrative judicial authorities and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
• Establishment and execution of the contract,
• Providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
• Carrying out your advertising activities upon your request,
• Updating your personal information when necessary,
It is processed in a limited and measured manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of
honesty, within the limits specified in the Law, and always in connection with these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, in accordance with the conditions specified
in Article 8/2-a and Article 9 of the Law, your personal data may be transferred to Zikirmatik
employees and managers, AE Kod Teknolojileri hosting and software company, in
accordance with the conditions specified in Article 8/2-a and Article 9 of the Law, especially
for the establishment and execution of the contract. and legal entities, other authorized public
institutions and organizations, judicial and administrative jurisdictions within the scope of
achieving the above-mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; No information is collected by Zikirmatik.
Pursuant to paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, it is necessary to process personal data
of the parties to the contract, provided that it is clearly foreseen in the law and is directly
related to the establishment or execution of a contract, and it is mandatory for the data
controller to fulfill its legal obligation. It is processed based on
5. Process of Storage and Destruction of Your Personal Data
Your personal data, which is said to be processed in this information text, will continue to be
recorded, processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this Information
Text as long as our customer relationship continues.
Your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system, or your account may
be deactivated by Zikirmatik in case we provide profiles and profile contents that do not
comply with the law and Zikirmatik protocols.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined within the
framework of the relevant Law, and in case the legal retention period expires, it will be
deleted and destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and its secondary legal
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Teknoloji Company at any time;
• Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
• Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,• Learning the purpose of
processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
• Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
• Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
• Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions
stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Article
11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
• Object to the emergence of a result unfavorable to you by analyzing your processed data
exclusively through automatic systems,
• Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing
of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding your rights and
the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form, which you can obtain from
www.tutarteknoloji.com, with a wet signature, to the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi
Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", through a notary, by registered mail, by
personal application or electronically. After signing the completed application form with your
mobile signature or secure electronic signature, you can send it to ridvan[email protected]
using your KEP address or your e-mail address already registered in the Company's data
recording system. Zikirmatik will respond to requests within this scope in writing, up to ten
pages, without charge; will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each
page over ten pages. If the response to the application is given on a recording medium such
as a CD or flash memory, the fee that may be requested by the Company will not exceed the
cost of the recording medium.
In your application containing your explanations regarding the right you have as a personal data
owner and which you request to exercise, in order to exercise your above-mentioned rights;
If the matter you request is clear and understandable, if the matter you request relates to you
personally or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you will need to submit your
special power of attorney certified by a notary. In your applications, name-surname,
signature, T.R. It is mandatory to have the requested elements such as identity number,
residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax number, in accordance
with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data
Controller". Applications that do not contain the mentioned elements will be rejected by
Payment Follow
Privacy Statement / KVKK
Privacy Notice
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any time, it
will be useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Payment Follow does not provide, rent or sell any information obtained from you
during your membership or use to third parties.
Your Information We Collect.
Payment Follow does not collect any information from users.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as necessary for the
purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following situations:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing on information to others
for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To buyers (or potential buyers) of all businesses and assets we sell (or plan to sell),
- If we have reasonable beliefs that the court or authorized persons and institutions will
decide to disclose personal information to a person who we believe may apply to the court
for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this
Your Information Rights
Payment Follow has a transparent approach to its users regarding the mobile and
web application you use. In this context, Payment Follow can forward the information you
use to you via e-mail, fax and other channels, and send you the information and documents
you request in detail.
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
Payment Follow does not save any of your information in the database. It just saves the data
on your phone for you to view the history. When you delete your application, your data is
automatically deleted.
We kindly inform you that when you delete the application, your information will be deleted
and if you suffer any loss of rights, you will not be able to claim any rights from our company.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless the license
renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being stored for 3 (three) months
following the expiry of the license usage.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tutarteknolo[email protected] stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete your
account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one) week after
we receive the e-mail and you will be informed via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Payment Follow, we pay utmost attention to the security of your personal data. With this
awareness, the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided within the
Company will be in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the
secondary regulations (regulation, notification, circular) that have come into force and will be
regulated in accordance with the legislation. It entered into force in accordance with the law
and the binding Personal Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the
processing and protection of our data in line with the decisions to be taken. With full
awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller" as
defined in the Law, within the scope of execution, as explained below and within the limits set
forth by the legislation.
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji", which is authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Payment Follow;
• To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the second
regulations issued within the scope of this Law,
• To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations, judicial or
administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
• Establishment and execution of the contract,
• To provide information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
• Carrying out your advertising activities in line with your request,
• To update your personal information when necessary,
It is processed in a limited and proportionate manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of
honesty, within the limits specified in the Law and always in connection with these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, your personal data will be transferred to
Payment Follow employees, managers and software company within the framework of the
conditions specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law, especially the establishment and
execution of the Agreement. in accordance with the conditions. It can be used by legal
entities, other authorized public institutions and organizations, and judicial and administrative
jurisdictions within the scope of achieving the above-mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; No information is collected by Payment Follow.
In accordance with paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, provided that it is clearly
foreseen in the law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of the contract,
the need to process personal data of the parties to the contract is a contract and is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. . It is processed accordingly
5. Storage and Destruction Process of Your Personal Data
Your personal data stated to be processed in this information text will continue to be recorded,
processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this Information Text as
long as our customer relationship continues.
If we provide profiles and profile content that do not comply with the law and Payment Follow
protocols, your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system or your
account may be disabled by Payment Follow.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined within the
framework of the relevant Law, and if the legal retention period expires, it will be deleted and
destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Technology Company at any time;
• Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
• Requesting information if your personal data has been processed, • Learning the purpose of
processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
• Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
• Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
• Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions
stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Article
11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
• Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively
through automatic systems,
• Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing
of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding your rights and
the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form with wet signature, which you
can obtain from www.tutarteknoloji.com, to the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan
Sokak No:4/B". Selçuklu/KONYA" via a notary, by registered letter, by applying in person or
electronically. After signing the completed application form with your mobile signature or
secure electronic signature, using your KEP address or your e-mail address registered in the
Company data recording system, ridvan.tutar@ridvan.tutar@ You can send it to hs01.kep.tr.
Payment Follow will respond to requests within this scope in writing, up to ten pages, free of
charge; It will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each page over ten
pages. If the response to the application is given on a recording medium such as a CD or
flash memory. The fee that may be requested by the Company will not exceed the cost of the
recording medium.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, in your application containing your
explanations regarding the right you have as a personal data owner and that you request to
use; If the matter you request is clear and understandable, if the matter you request
concerns you personally or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you will need to
submit your notarized special power of attorney. In your applications, name-surname,
signature, T.R. In accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of
Application to the Data Controller", it is mandatory to include the requested elements such as
identification number, residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
number. Applications that do not contain the specified elements will be rejected by Payment
Nfc Pro
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any time, it
will be useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Nfc pro does not provide, rent or sell any information obtained from you during your
membership or use to third parties.
Your Information We Collect.
Nfc pro does not collect any information from users.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as necessary for the
purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following situations:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing on information to others
for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To buyers (or potential buyers) of all businesses and assets we sell (or plan to sell),
- If we have reasonable beliefs that the court or authorized persons and institutions will
decide to disclose personal information to a person who we believe may apply to the court
for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this
Your Information Rights
Nfc pro has a transparent approach to its users regarding the mobile and web
application you use. In this context, Nfc pro may forward the information you use to you via
e-mail, fax and other channels, and send you the information and documents you request in
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
Nfc pro does not save any of your information in the database.
Only you can use your information on the products. We do not request any information from
We kindly inform you that when you delete the application, your information will be deleted
and if you suffer any loss of rights, you will not be able to claim any rights from our company.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless the license
renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being stored for 3 (three) months
following the expiry of the license usage.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tutteknoloji@gmail.com stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete your
account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one) week after
we receive the e-mail and you will be informed via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
In order to use the NFC feature, we request permission from the device's NFC system.
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Nfc pro, we pay utmost attention to the security of your personal data. With this awareness,
the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided within the Company will be
in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the secondary
regulations (regulation, notification, circular) that have come into force and will be regulated
in accordance with the legislation. It entered into force in accordance with the law and the
binding Personal Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the processing and
protection of our data in line with the decisions to be taken. With full awareness of this
responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller" as defined in the Law,
within the scope of execution, as explained below and within the limits set forth by the
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji", which is authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Nfc pro;
• To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the second
regulations issued within the scope of this Law,
• To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations, judicial or
administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
• Establishment and execution of the contract,
• To provide information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
• Carrying out your advertising activities in line with your request,
• To update your personal information when necessary,
It is processed in a limited and proportionate manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of
honesty, within the limits specified in the Law and always in connection with these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, your personal data may be transferred to
Nfc pro employees, managers and software company within the framework of the conditions
specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law, especially the establishment and execution of the
Agreement, and the conditions specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law. in accordance
with. It can be used by legal entities, other authorized public institutions and organizations,
and judicial and administrative jurisdictions within the scope of achieving the above-
mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; No information is collected by Nfc pro.
In accordance with paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, provided that it is clearly
foreseen in the law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of the contract,
the need to process personal data of the parties to the contract is a contract and is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. . It is processed accordingly
5. Storage and Destruction Process of Your Personal Data
Your personal data stated to be processed in this information text will continue to be recorded,
processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this Information Text as
long as our customer relationship continues.
If we provide profiles and profile content that do not comply with the law and Nfc pro protocols,
your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system or your account
may be disabled by Nfc pro.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined within the
framework of the relevant Law, and if the legal retention period expires, it will be deleted and
destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Technology Company at any time;
• Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
• Requesting information if your personal data has been processed, • Learning the purpose of
processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
• Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
• Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
• Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions
stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Article
11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
• Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively
through automatic systems,
• Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing
of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding your rights and
the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form with wet signature, which you
can obtain from www.tutarteknoloji.com, to the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan
Sokak No:4/B". Selçuklu/KONYA" via a notary, by registered letter, by applying in person or
electronically. After signing the completed application form with your mobile signature or
secure electronic signature, using your KEP address or your e-mail address registered in the
Company data recording system, ridvan.tutar@ridvan.tutar@ You can send it to hs01.kep.tr.
Nfc pro will respond to requests within this scope in writing, up to ten pages, free of charge; It
will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each page over ten pages. If
the response to the application is given on a recording medium such as a CD or flash
memory, the Company The fee that may be requested by will not exceed the cost of the
recording medium.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, in your application containing your
explanations regarding the right you have as a personal data owner and that you request to
use; If the subject you request is clear and understandable, if the matter you request
concerns you personally or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you will need to
submit your notarized special power of attorney. In your applications, name-surname,
signature, T.R. In accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of
Application to the Data Controller", it is mandatory to include the requested elements such as
identification number, residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
number. Applications that do not contain the specified elements will be rejected by Nfc pro.
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any time, it
will be useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Tetrix does not provide, rent or sell any information obtained from you during your
membership or use to third parties.
Your Information We Collect.
Tetrix does not collect any information from users.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as necessary for the
purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following situations:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing on information to others
for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To buyers (or potential buyers) of all businesses and assets we sell (or plan to sell),
- If we have reasonable beliefs that the court or authorized persons and institutions will
decide to disclose personal information to a person who we believe may apply to the court
for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this
Your Information Rights
Tetrix has a transparent approach to its users regarding the mobile and web
application you use. In this context, Tetrix may forward the information you use to you via e-
mail, fax and other channels, and send you the information and documents you request in
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
Tetrix does not save any of your information in the database.
We kindly inform you that when you delete the application, your information will be deleted
and if you suffer any loss of rights, you will not be able to claim any rights from our company.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless the license
renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being stored for 3 (three) months
following the expiry of the license usage.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tutteknoloji@gmail.com stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete your
account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one) week after
we receive the e-mail and you will be informed via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
There is no permission request
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Tetrix, we pay utmost attention to the security of your personal data. With this awareness, the
personal data of real persons to whom services are provided within the Company will be in
accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the secondary regulations
(regulation, notification, circular) that have come into force and will be regulated in
accordance with the legislation. It entered into force in accordance with the law and the
binding Personal Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the processing and
protection of our data in line with the decisions to be taken. With full awareness of this
responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller" as defined in the Law,
within the scope of execution, as explained below and within the limits set forth by the
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji", which is authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Tetrix;
• To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the second
regulations issued within the scope of this Law,
• To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations, judicial or
administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
• Establishment and execution of the contract,
• To provide information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
• Carrying out your advertising activities in line with your request,
• To update your personal information when necessary,
It is processed in a limited and proportionate manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of
honesty, within the limits specified in the Law and always in connection with these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, your personal data may be transferred to
Tetrix employees, managers and software company within the framework of the conditions
specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law, especially the establishment and execution of the
Agreement, and the conditions specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law. in accordance
with. It can be used by legal entities, other authorized public institutions and organizations,
and judicial and administrative jurisdictions within the scope of achieving the above-
mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; No information is collected by Tetrix.
In accordance with paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, provided that it is clearly
foreseen in the law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of the contract,
the need to process personal data of the parties to the contract is a contract and is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. . It is processed accordingly
5. Storage and Destruction Process of Your Personal Data
Your personal data stated to be processed in this information text will continue to be recorded,
processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this Information Text as
long as our customer relationship continues.
If we provide profiles and profile content that do not comply with the law and Tetrix protocols,
your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system or your account
may be disabled by Tetrix.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined within the
framework of the relevant Law, and if the legal retention period expires, it will be deleted and
destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Technology Company at any time;
• Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
• Requesting information if your personal data has been processed, • Learning the purpose of
processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
• Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
• Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
• Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions
stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Article
11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
• Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively
through automatic systems,
• Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing
of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding your rights and
the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form with wet signature, which you
can obtain from www.tutarteknoloji.com, to the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan
Sokak No:4/B". Selçuklu/KONYA" via a notary, by registered letter, by applying in person or
electronically. After signing the completed application form with your mobile signature or
secure electronic signature, using your KEP address or your e-mail address registered in the
Company data recording system, ridvan.tutar@ridvan.tutar@ You can send it to hs01.kep.tr.
Tetrix will respond to requests within this scope in writing, up to ten pages, free of charge; It
will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each page over ten pages. If
the response to the application is given on a recording medium such as a CD or flash
memory, the Company The fee that may be requested by will not exceed the cost of the
recording medium.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, in your application containing your
explanations regarding the right you have as a personal data owner and that you request to
use; If the subject you request is clear and understandable, if the matter you request
concerns you personally or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you will need to
submit your notarized special power of attorney. In your applications, name-surname,
signature, T.R. In accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of
Application to the Data Controller", it is mandatory to include the requested elements such as
identification number, residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
number. Applications that do not contain the specified elements will be rejected by Tetrix.
Contact Archive
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any time, it
will be useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Contact Archive does not provide, rent or sell any information obtained from you
during your membership or use to third parties.
Your Information We Collect.
Contact Archive does not collect any information from users.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as necessary for the
purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following situations:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing on information to others
for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To buyers (or potential buyers) of all businesses and assets we sell (or plan to sell),
- If we have reasonable beliefs that the court or authorized persons and institutions will
decide to disclose personal information to a person who we believe may apply to the court
for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this
Your Information Rights
Contact Archive has a transparent approach to its users regarding the mobile and
web application you use. In this context, Contact Archive can forward the information you use
to you via e-mail, fax and other channels, and send you the information and documents you
request in detail.
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
Contact Archive does not save any of your information in the database.
We kindly inform you that when you delete the application, your information will be deleted
and if you suffer any loss of rights, you will not be able to claim any rights from our company.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless the license
renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being stored for 3 (three) months
following the expiry of the license usage.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tutteknoloji@gmail.com stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete your
account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one) week after
we receive the e-mail and you will be informed via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
Permission to read the guide is requested. You must give this permission for us to back up
your contacts. We do not receive this data. It is backed up instantly within the application and
we do not take it in any way.
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data
As Contact Archive, we pay utmost attention to the security of your personal data. With this
awareness, the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided within the
Company will be in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the
secondary regulations (regulation, notification, circular) that have come into force and will be
regulated in accordance with the legislation. It entered into force in accordance with the law
and the binding Personal Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the
processing and protection of our data in line with the decisions to be taken. With full
awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller" as
defined in the Law, within the scope of execution, as explained below and within the limits set
forth by the legislation.
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji", which is authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Contact Archive;
• To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the second
regulations issued within the scope of this Law,
• To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations, judicial or
administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
• Establishment and execution of the contract,
• To provide information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
• Carrying out your advertising activities in line with your request,
• To update your personal information when necessary,
It is processed in a limited and proportionate manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of
honesty, within the limits specified in the Law and always in connection with these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, your personal data will be transferred to
Contact Archive employees, managers and software company within the framework of the
conditions specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law, especially for the establishment and
execution of the Agreement. in accordance with the conditions. It can be used by legal
entities, other authorized public institutions and organizations, and judicial and administrative
jurisdictions within the scope of achieving the above-mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; No information is collected by Contact Archive.
In accordance with paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, provided that it is clearly
foreseen in the law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of the contract,
the need to process personal data of the parties to the contract is a contract and is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. . It is processed accordingly
5. Storage and Destruction Process of Your Personal Data
Your personal data stated to be processed in this information text will continue to be recorded,
processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this Information Text as
long as our customer relationship continues.
If we provide profiles and profile content that do not comply with the law and Contact Archive
protocols, your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system or your
account may be deactivated by Contact Archive.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined within the
framework of the relevant Law, and if the legal retention period expires, it will be deleted and
destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Technology Company at any time;
• Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
• Requesting information if your personal data has been processed, • Learning the purpose of
processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
• Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
• Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
• Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions
stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Article
11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
• Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively
through automatic systems,
• Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing
of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding your rights and
the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form with wet signature, which you
can obtain from www.tutarteknoloji.com, to the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan
Sokak No:4/B". Selçuklu/KONYA" via a notary, by registered letter, by applying in person or
electronically. After signing the completed application form with your mobile signature or
secure electronic signature, using your KEP address or your e-mail address registered in the
Company data recording system, ridvan.tutar@ridvan.tutar@ You can send it to hs01.kep.tr.
Contact Archive will respond to requests within this scope in writing, up to ten pages, free of
charge; It will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each page over ten
pages. If the response to the application is given on a recording medium such as a CD or
flash memory. The fee that may be requested by the Company will not exceed the cost of the
recording medium.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, in your application containing your
explanations regarding the right you have as a personal data owner and that you request to
use; If the subject you request is clear and understandable, if the matter you request
concerns you personally or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you will need to
submit your notarized special power of attorney. In your applications, name-surname,
signature, T.R. In accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of
Application to the Data Controller", it is mandatory to include the requested elements such as
identification number, residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
number. Applications that do not contain the specified elements will be rejected by Contact
Zeka Deposu
* Since we may change the information regarding the privacy notice at any time, it
will be useful for you to review this notice periodically.
Zeka Deposu does not provide, rent or sell any information obtained from you
during your membership or use to third parties.
Your Information We Collect.
Zeka Deposu does not collect any information from users.
Sharing personal information.
We may disclose your personal information to our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisors, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as necessary for the
purposes set out in this policy.
We may share your personal information in the following situations:
- Where legally required;
- Regarding ongoing or possible legal proceedings;
- To protect, exercise and defend our legal rights (including passing on information to others
for the purposes of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction);
- To buyers (or potential buyers) of all businesses and assets we sell (or plan to sell),
- If we have reasonable beliefs that the court or authorized persons and institutions will
decide to disclose personal information to a person who we believe may apply to the court
for the disclosure of personal information.
We do not share your personal information with third parties except as described in this
Your Information Rights
Zeka Deposu takes a transparent approach to its users regarding the mobile and
web application you use. In this context, Zeka Deposu can forward the information you use to
you via e-mail, fax and other channels and send you the information and documents you
request in detail.
Your Information Stored with Your Permission and Its Duration
Zeka Deposu does not save any of your information in the database.
We kindly inform you that when you delete the application, your information will be deleted
and if you suffer any loss of rights, you will not be able to claim any rights from our company.
When the license expires, the information is kept on our local servers unless the license
renewal is abandoned. It will be irreversibly deleted after being stored for 3 (three) months
following the expiry of the license usage.
If you want to freeze or permanently delete your account, you must send an e-mail to
tutteknoloji@gmail.com stating that you want to freeze and/or permanently delete your
account. Your account will be frozen and/or permanently deleted within 1 (one) week after
we receive the e-mail and you will be informed via e-mail.
Permissions obtained within the application
There is no permission request
Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Zeka Deposu Data
As Zeka Deposu, we pay utmost attention to the security of your personal data. With this
awareness, the personal data of real persons to whom services are provided within the
Company will be in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the
secondary regulations (regulation, notification, circular) that have come into force and will be
regulated in accordance with the legislation. It entered into force in accordance with the law
and the binding Personal Data Protection Board. We attach great importance to the
processing and protection of our data in line with the decisions to be taken. With full
awareness of this responsibility, we process your personal data as "Data Controller" as
defined in the Law, within the scope of execution, as explained below and within the limits set
forth by the legislation.
1. Information about the Data Controller
In accordance with the law, "Tutar Teknoloji", which is authorized at the address "Binkonutlar
Mahallesi Cevherhan Sokak No:4/B Selçuklu/KONYA", is the Data Controller.
2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data
Your personal data by Zeka Deposu;
• To fulfill our obligations specified in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the second
regulations issued within the scope of this Law,
• To provide the information needed by relevant public institutions and organizations, judicial or
administrative jurisdictions and law enforcement forces, when necessary,
• Establishment and execution of the contract,
• To provide information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
• Carrying out your advertising activities in line with your request,
• To update your personal information when necessary,
It is processed in a limited and proportionate manner, in accordance with the law and the rules of
honesty, within the limits specified in the Law and always in connection with these purposes.
3. Transfer of Personal Data
Within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, your personal data will be transferred to
Zeka Deposu employees, managers and software company within the framework of the
conditions specified in Articles 8/2-a and 9 of the Law, especially the establishment and
execution of the Agreement. in accordance with the conditions. It can be used by legal
entities, other authorized public institutions and organizations, and judicial and administrative
jurisdictions within the scope of achieving the above-mentioned purposes.
4. Personal Data Collection Methods and Legal Reasons
Your personal data; No information is collected by Zeka Deposu.
In accordance with paragraphs 2/a-c-ç-f of Article 5 of the Law, provided that it is clearly
foreseen in the law and is directly related to the establishment or execution of the contract,
the need to process personal data of the parties to the contract is a contract and is
mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. . It is processed accordingly
5. Storage and Destruction Process of Your Personal Data
Your personal data stated to be processed in this information text will continue to be recorded,
processed and transferred to the persons specified in Article 3 of this Information Text as
long as our customer relationship continues.
If we provide profiles and profile content that do not comply with the law and Zeka Deposu
protocols, your personal data may be deleted from your account through the system or your
account may be deactivated by Zeka Deposu.
It will be recorded, stored and transferred within the legal retention periods determined within the
framework of the relevant Law, and if the legal retention period expires, it will be deleted and
destroyed in accordance with the relevant Law and secondary legal regulations.
6. Rights of Data Owners Under the Law
By applying to Tutar Technology Company at any time;
• Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
• Requesting information if your personal data has been processed, • Learning the purpose of
processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
• Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
• Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
• Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions
stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
• To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of Article
11 of the Law be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
• Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively
through automatic systems,
• Request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing
of your personal data,
You can request to exercise your rights. You can submit your requests regarding your rights and
the implementation of the Law by filling out the application form with wet signature, which you
can obtain from www.tutarteknoloji.com, to the address "Binkonutlar Mahallesi Cevherhan
Sokak No:4/B". Selçuklu/KONYA" via a notary, by registered letter, by applying in person or
electronically. After signing the completed application form with your mobile signature or
secure electronic signature, using your KEP address or your e-mail address registered in the
Company data recording system, ridvan.tutar@ridvan.tutar@ You can send it to hs01.kep.tr.
Zeka Deposu will respond to requests within this scope in writing, up to ten pages, free of
charge; It will respond by charging a processing fee of 1 Turkish Lira for each page over ten
pages. If the response to the application is given on a recording medium such as a CD or
flash memory. The fee that may be requested by the Company will not exceed the cost of the
recording medium.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, in your application containing your
explanations regarding the right you have as a personal data owner and that you request to
use; If the subject you request is clear and understandable, if the matter you request
concerns you personally or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you will need to
submit your notarized special power of attorney. In your applications, name-surname,
signature, T.R. In accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of
Application to the Data Controller", it is mandatory to include the requested elements such as
identification number, residence or workplace address, e-mail address, telephone and fax
number. Applications that do not contain the specified elements will be rejected by Zeka